Welcome to the Lioness Blog.

craft of writing

Words are my life.

My fondest memory of growing up in Manhattan was “borrowing” my mom’s TOR books, which were these 500-plus-page tombs set in far-off worlds with barbarians and their five-banded women. Do you remember those books? They were quite racy for my ten-year-old mind, but I could not put them down. And after my mom caught me reading one, whenever she finished one, she’d place it in my room—her way of saying, “Yes, go ahead and read this.”

And, boy, did I read. I went from fantasy and science fiction to romance (you remember Barbara Cartland—I could read a book a day of hers) to paranormal romance to thrillers to historicals and more. There’s not much out there that I won’t read.

And like most readers, I thought I could write. (Well, I can but that story is for another day.) Like many beginning writers, I thought short would be easier. Thus, started my delving into poetry and short stories. Yikes, that sh*t is hard. So, I turned to writing romance novels. Soooo much better and, yet, also very, very hard.

Well, what about researching how to write? Eureka! Thus, started a new love and my entry into the publishing world.

So now, qualified by 25 years in the publishing industry with a bachelor’s degree in literature and a master’s degree in creative writing, I am still fascinated by words on a page—how they are put together to evoke feelings and images and create a story that jolts me into another place in another’s life.

Over the years, I have amassed useful knowledge of all aspects of the publishing industry—editing, writing, development, book production, querying, blogging, research, marketing—and I have coached authors to write and promote their best work. And now it’s time for me to give back to this wonderful writing community that has given me so much pleasure and angst over the years.

Find here, in this blog, tools and tips to hone your craft and grow into a successful writer. Because that is what true writing is: a craft, one that you must work at repeatedly to excel in—or at least be good enough to earn a tidy paycheck.

This blog is not just for the weekend writer but for the aspiring novelist who wants to make writing a career, as well as the published author who still needs motivation, guidance, or a new idea.

So, welcome to my blog. I hope you learn something new each time you visit. And be sure to subscribe to my blog to stay updated on my writing and editing tidbits. Everyone can use a little push to keep writing. You’ll find that here and so much more.

Happy writing!